Three Giving Options

Tribute Gifts
Tribute Gifts are a thoughtful way to recognize important people in your life. Special events like anniversaries, birthdays, and Mother’s or Father’s Day are also ideal times to make a tribute gift recognizing someone you appreciate deeply. Use the “Donate“ button to make a tribute gift using PayPal or your credit card. Or, download the brochure to print out a hard copy and send along with your gift to the address in the brochure.

Other Ways to Give
In addition to giving by cash, check, EFT, or credit card, Calvary Homes welcomes these alternate methods for giving:
An appealing way to give, while taking advantage of important tax benefits, is using a qualified charitable distribution (commonly called a QCD) from a traditional IRA. This method of giving allows you to forgo income tax on the withdrawal of funds from your IRA (up to $100,000 annually) while satisfying your annual required minimum distribution requirement.
This method may also be helpful in avoiding additional tax on Social Security income or Medicare premiums. This method of giving must be arranged with your IRA investment manager and reported to our Development Office to ensure proper allocation of your gift intent. Contact our Development Office at 717-824-8816 to learn more about this simple, effective way to help others while making the most of your invested resources.
Planned gifts provide the means to make a legacy gift toward those charities you value most. The most common planned gift is including Calvary Homes as a beneficiary. This can be done through two common means:
- As a beneficiary of an investment or retirement account or insurance policy
- As a beneficiary in your will
Our Development Office can help you make these arrangements.
The Park City Diner and Knight and Day Diner thank the local community for their support by providing donations to local not-for-profit organizations. Calvary Homes participates in this program, called Share Our Success.
Each time you visit either of these restaurants and show the card below before paying your bill, the restaurant will donate 10% of your check toward benevolent care at Calvary Homes at no cost to you! You can use the card as often as you wish. You may also share copies of this card with your friends and family. Laminated versions of the card are available at our Front Desk for no charge.
This means of giving, started in the Summer of 2018, has provided over $1,600 in gifts to the Benevolent Fund! We thank the many friends taking advantage of this program and encourage others to join the Share Our Success program today!
Financial Disclosure
Calvary Homes is a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization serving older adults without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, physical handicap, disability, or religious creed. Official registration and financial information for Calvary Homes may be obtained from the PA Dept. of State by calling toll-free within PA, 1(800)732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. Gifts made to Calvary Homes are deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Make an Online Donation
Please complete the form below with your name and contact information. Please note that your donation will show as a PayPal transaction on your next credit card statement. Contact our Director of Development, Ryan Murray, at rmurray@tandemlivingpa.org or at 717-824-8816 if you have questions or need assistance. Thank you for supporting Calvary Fellowship Homes!